Yes, I am in love with one Mr. Clay Aiken. Who isn't? Seriously. I'm 27 and live in the nice, boring state with plenty of wheat.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

26? Am I really 26?

So today I turned 26. That's right. I'm 26 and no husband or kids.

I had a great day thanks to my Clay friends. Jen is awesome of course! I love my new Clay shirt and nightshirt. And the card that is yummy. Gah!

I've had 2 cakes and will have a third tomorrow. I think I know what a cow feels like. I'll be exercising all weekend to walk it off.

My two oldest nephews called and told me they knew what my birthday wish was : To see Clay. I was so sure he would blog today. It just wasn't meant to be! Then the oldest nephew said he is coming over tomorrow for my birthday party with my family and he is going to make my birthday "The best birthday I've ever had!:" What a cutie! He's nine years old.

So, wherever you are, Clay ..... we all miss you! Thanks for the nibble, can't wait for the whole cookie!

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